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There and Back Again: Our Favorite Forms of Fictional Transport


There and Back Again: Our Favorite Forms of Fictional Transport

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There and Back Again: Our Favorite Forms of Fictional Transport


Published on July 16, 2014


The temperature is climbing here in Manhattan, which has all of us at dreaming of getting away for a while. And since we’re on the subject, how cool would it be if you could take the TARDIS to your favorite vacation spot? Soar over the crowds on Miami Beach on the back of your very own dragon, or skip the lines at the Eiffel Tower by apparating yourself straight to the top? If you answered “pretty darn cool” then you, my friend, are correct.

We recently asked the Twitterverse how you’d like to arrive at your favorite summer vacation spot, and we’ve compiled a list of the twelve best forms of fictional transportation based on your answers!

T.A.R.D.I.SDoctor Who

Now that classes have ended, how are you going to fill your summer calendar? You could start by watching the birth of our sun, then have a spot of tea with an Ood on their home planet, flirt shamelessly with Jack Harkness, pop over to London to save the world in the nick of time, and then cap it off with a nice, quiet afternoon of shopping on the Planet of Hats. Whatever it is, wherever it is, whenever it is—The TARDIS can take you there. And it has bunk beds!


Not just any classic muscle car will do. No, it has to be the 1967 Chevy Impala with the army man in the armrest and the Legos stuck in the vents and the initials of the Winchester brothers carved under its carriage—all the little things that make it theirs. And ours. It’s been the most important object in the world and a home to Sam and Dean across thousands of miles of long, hard road, and we’d trust it to take us just about anywhere.


We might not be as fierce as Kaylee in defending this flying piece of go se, but we’re pretty close. Serenity may only be 269 feet from bow to stern and may be practically unarmed and sure, she was old even when Mal first laid eyes on her, but she’s still home. It’s like Joss Whedon, the creator of Firefly, said: “We choose which meaning we give to these objects. A gun can be a stick, a ship can be a soul, and a TV show can be important, even if no one watches it.”

Hogwarts Express—Potterverse

If the storm of letters pouring into the Dursley’s home or Hagrid showing up in the middle of the sea didn’t convince Harry (or the reader) that the wizarding world was real, then running between Platforms 9 and 10 and seeing the Hogwarts Express all shining and crimson certainly convinced us all. With its roomy compartments and trolley filled with treats, a ride on the Express is almost more exciting then its destination! And if Hogwarts will ways be there to welcome us home, then we can always count on the Hogwarts Express to get us there safely.


Let’s see, there’s Saphira and Toothless and Draco and Falcor and Drogon and Rhaegal and Viserion and Aithusa and Kilgharrah and… So which dragon do you choose? Any of them, really. All of them. RIDE ALL THE DRAGONS! *Ahem* What we mean to say is that no matter which one you choose, you can’t go wrong with an age-old mythical beast that breathes fire, flies, and has scales made from concentrated kickass. You just can’t.

The Normandy—Mass Effect

You might have thought you’d seen the last of the Normandy after that encounter with the Collector ship, but that was until Cerberus created the SR-2. The new ship is a little bulkier than its predecessor, but it comes with some new perks, too—like leather chairs and a brand new kitchen for its crew, and it’s still as stealthy as ever. With the Normandy’s Javelin Disruptor Torpedos and Thanix Cannon at your disposal, you’ll be ready to explore even the most hostile corners of the galaxy.

The EnterpriseStar Trek: The Original Series

Home more than 400 Federation members, including our beloved bridge crew, the USS Enterprise has survived almost everything a ship can. It’s been taken over by hyperaccelerated aliens and a super-computer gone awry (and we don’t mean Mirror!Spock or his striking facial hair), battled Romulans and strange energy webs alike, and defeated the Doomsday Machine. With all that behind it, one little summer vacation should be no problem, so set those engines to Warp 8 and boldly go wherever your heart desires.

Apparation or Portkey Potterverse

Even smelly old boots are cooler in the wizarding world than they are for the rest of us Muggles. At least if that boot happens to be a Portkey and especially if the destination is the Quidditch World Cup (let’s go Bulgaria!). But if you don’t have any questionable footwear available, you could always apparate instead. It may feel like being “forced through a very tight rubber tube,” but it certainly looks like fun, and it has to be safer than Floo Powder (isn’t everything, though?).

The DeLoreanBack to the Future

Stainless steel paneling, a V6 engine, the ability to travel through time, and those awesome doors that swing up and down. All that’s standing between you and the adventure of a lifetime is a bit of Plutonium and whatever’s in that trash can over there. Economical and stylish, the DeLorean is arguably the coolest way to meet your future children while avoiding a potentially devastating time paradox. Just do us a favor and bring us back some hoverboards, okay?

Green Lanterns Ring—Green Lantern Comics

They don’t call it “the most powerful weapon in the universe” for nothing. This power ring can encase you in a protective, life-supporting force field, give you the ability to fly and to travel through inhospitable environments, and clothe you in a snazzy Green Lantern uniform (who doesn’t look great in that much spandex?). Weapon, accessory, outfit, and transportation all in one—all you need to bring is your sunscreen!

Colonial ViperBattlestar Galactica

If it’s good enough for Starbuck, then it’s good enough for me. The Colonial Vipers were a vital asset in defending Galactica from numerous threats. In the right hands, they can maneuver swiftly, inflict some serious damage with their kinetic energy weapons, take a hit and still bring you back in one piece. And judging from the smile on Starbuck’s face, it must be pretty fun, too. So go on—explore, pick a few fights, find a new planet—then grab your gun and bring the cat in.

Stargate—Stargate Universe

Who knew that the event horizon of a wormhole could be so pretty and shiny and blue? Its good looks conceal a very serious technology, as Stargates are capable of transporting you to thousands of planets across dozens of galaxies. So if you’d like to check out the weather on Europa or see the Pegasus Galaxy firsthand, a Stargate may be your best option. As long as you don’t mind being demolecularized, transmitted over thousands of light-years through subspace, and rematerialized on the other side. Count me in!


What did we miss? Add your favorite forms of fictional transport in the comments below!

This article was written and researched by Ashley Mullins.

About the Author

Stubby the Rocket


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10 years ago

No love for an X-wing (or if you lean towards the Dark Side, a TIE Fighter)?

10 years ago

No Millenium Falcon? Color me shocked. The Blue Beetle (of Dresden Files fame) would have been a fun addition, too.

10 years ago

How about some love for villans. How about the Cylon raider (new Battlestar Gallactica)? You just have to put up with the smell.

A Klingon warship or the Ranger class warship on Babylon 5. You have to like a ship with a workable cloaking device (which eliminates the Weasley’s car in ACOS).

Thanks for reading my musings,

10 years ago

Agreed with 1 and 2. The lack of anything from Star Wars seems like a glaring oversight. I’ve always wanted my own personal star destroyer.

10 years ago

The Heart of Gold (with infinite improbability drive) from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy!

And – do wormholes count?

10 years ago


Dave vw
10 years ago

no catbus?????

10 years ago

Definitely the Starbug

Hampus Eckerman
10 years ago

Nautilus would be really great.

10 years ago


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